Bach Bibliography
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Author : Nishihara, Minoru
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Nishihara, MinoruKurth kenkyu josetsu: Kurth ni okeru shinteki keiki to ongaku tetsugaku no shomondai o megutte. [Prolegomena to Kurth: studies on psychological moments and music philosophy.] MA diss., Musicology: Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, 1978. 2v. 376 p. diss. 1978 376p
2. Nishihara, MinoruDoitsu Keimoshugi no Ongaku Bigaku. Scheibe to 1750-Nen Zengo ni okeru 'Kanseigaku' to shite no Ongaku Bigaku no Shomondai. [Musikäthetik der deutschen Aufklärung: J.A. Scheibe und Probleme der Musikästhetik um 1750.] BulFacMTokyoGeijutsuDaigaku 9 Mar 1983 29-53
3. Nishihara, Minoru19-Seiki no Cembalo Fukko. [Harpsichord revival in the 19th century] BachZenshu 11 Jul 1996 88-100
4. Nishihara, MinoruBach to Keizai Seikatsu. Bach no Shogai. [Bach's life: Bach and Economic Life] BachZenshu 2 Apr 1997 144-158
5. Nishihara, MinoruBach no Kyutei Seikatsu. Bach no Shogai. [Bach's life: Bach's Life in Court] BachZenshu 6 Apr 1998 166-176
6. Nishihara, MinoruBach no Shogai: 19-Seiki Kindai ni okeru Bach no Egakarekata. Bach no Shogai. [Bach's life: The way Bach was portrayed in the 19th century] BachZenshu 10 Jan 1998 192-206
7. Nishihara, MinoruJ. N. Forkel ni yoru Bach no Sakuhin Shushu Katei to Shozo Sakuhin. [Process of J. N. Forkel's collecting of Bach's works and his collection of works] A paper read at the annual meeting of the Musicological Society of Japan held in Osaka University, 24-25 October 2009. [p]MSJ_Osaka Oct 2009
8. Nishihara, MinoruJ. N. Forkel ni yoru J. S. Bach no Sakuhin Shushu Katei to Shozo Sakuhin. A study on J.N. Forkel's collection of works of J.S. Bach. TohoGakuenBul 35 2009 39-65
9. Nishihara, MinoruForkel no Bach-Collection no Rekishiteki Igi. J.N.Forkel's Collection of Bach's Works and its Historical Meanings. TohoGakuenBul 36 2010 27-46
10. Nishihara, MinoruBaroque Jidai no Kekkon to Ongaku. Tokubetsu Kiko. [Wedding and Music in Baroque Era] BCJ 98 Jul 2012 29-33
11. Nishihara, MinoruZakusen Chiho no Shomin no Seikatsu to Bach no Ongaku. [The life of ordinary people of Saxony and Bach's music] [Interview by Maki Ishiyama] BCJ 114 2015 10-12
12. Nishihara, MinoruKokkyokan no Seiji to Bach Ongaku no fukai Kakawari. [Deep relationship between the international politics and Bach's music] [Interview by Maki Ishiyama] BCJ 116 Feb 2016 32-36

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita